Intro to Lit 2:00 - 3:15

Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog #2

First, I am going to talk about the Documentary "Second Skin." It is unbelievable that these people can let a video game rule their lives. I loved the documentary because it really showed us a different side of gamers. I just can't get over the fact that this game dictated their sleep patterns, eating habits and working ability. When you get that far into a down fall you know you have some issues. What do you guys think about this? I seriously think they need some help to get away from these games. It's really just a game and when a gane dictates your life when you have thoughts of suicide YOU NEED HELP.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a little time to yourself to maybe play a video game or have some fun with whatever, but you need to know the boundaries. I play video games, and I know when to stop. It isn't that hard. I don't understand how they have so much difficulty stopping the game. These guys would have a great life if they put time and effort into their actual lives instead of their virtual lives.
For example, I found a video on Google about a kid that was playing WOW and totally freaked out over something so stupid. During this freak out his brother taped the whole thing. If this offends anybody, I apologize in advance. WOW Freak out

I didn't exactly find a specific quote from the video that I would be able to discuss but I have a couple examples that would get this discussion going. In our book, "Culture Jam" on page 43 and 44 there is a passage that sums up how ridiculous gaming can get. "Sometimes I go out," she'd say, but she didn't mean "out" out, she meant "out" of that chat group and into another site somewhere else on the Net. She was reluctant to sleep because she might miss an interesting thread. One time my friend saw her on the street, and she hadn't showered in four days."

When you get to the level of not showering and your personal hygiene is at risk, there is a serious problem. What do you guys think about that passage. It's almost unbelievable to me but I can see it happening. Another example of this is that my friends play COD Black Ops continuously. Every time I talk to them they are either playing or taking a 5 minute break from playing. It's another serious issued besides computer gaming. Now when I read that passage in the book, I got really annoyed with what she was doing. I can't believe someone could do that to them self. I can't go a day without a shower and she went 4 DAYS!!! Get a hold of yourself!
The book and the video are tied together because of what this lady is saying. In the movie and book they both seemed to have obsession and over doing it. Losing their jobs, committing suicide, gaining weight, and not keeping up with personal hygiene is a big problem with me.

There was one more thing that really bothered me to even listen to at the time during the video but was also briefly discussed in the book. These people are being sucked into a fake world because they think they can get whatever they want. One guy said, "I don't have to worry about having that nice car." Well maybe if he didn't waste all of his time playing WOW he would have a good job and be able to by himself a really beautiful car instead of dreaming about it. That would make a lot more sense than dreaming about a whole new life where you can have anything you want. It's just completely ridiculous to me and I just don't understand. The thing is, I guess I can't understand what they are thinking unless I was them.

My feelings about gaming aren't completely against it.Gaming can be a fun bonus to your life when maybe you do something good and you feel like you need a break. It isn't bad to play games for "fun" sometimes but when it starts ruining your eating habits and your personal hygiene it needs to stop!


  1. I liked how we had the opportunity to watch the documentary too because when I think of video games I never really thought about the severe addictions that can come with them. It's scary to see how these gaming addictions do affect people's sleep patterns, jobs, and so just as you said. I thought it was horrible to see Daniel's newphew become addicted to the game right after Daniel was just starting to quit playing it, and afterwards how he surprisingly got disgusted with it.

  2. I really liked how you incorporated the quote from the book and the material from the documentary. I remember reading the quote the first time and I had to reread the passage to see if I read it correctly the first time. I was in disbelief. How can someone be so obsessive of a material possession, like a video game. I enjoyed watching the clip from Tosh O that you incorporated in your entry. After watching the clip I then YouTubed the freak out. It looked as if a demon had taken over this teens body. It is insane to think how a game can lead you to do something crazy like that. I share the same feelings about gaming-- it is absolutely fine to play them in your spare time, but when your world revolves around them, you have a problem.

  3. I agree that so many people are addicted to gaming and need to get away from it! Sadly, people don't realize what it is doing to their lives. The fact that people aren't taking care of themselves and instead are gaming is ridiculous! People are getting that sucked into a gaming it's affecting their lives in every way. It's true that people are being sucked into a fake world. People need to see the reality and do something about it.

  4. I agree with your point about the guy saying he didn't have to worry about having a nice car or a high paying job with a lot of money. If he thought about the real world, he would see that having a nice car might not be totally important, but having a high enough paying job to support your family is important. I can't imagine how he supported his wife and twins when all that really mattered to him was World of Warcraft.

  5. I am not completely against gaming either, but I feel like people have to be responsible and realize when enough is enough. The weirdest part about the movie is meeting people online and then starting a relationship before ever meeting in person. I play video games some but I would never date somebody i met online. Just my opinion.
