Intro to Lit 2:00 - 3:15

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hi everybody,
       My name is Chris Russell. I'm a sophomore here at Shippensburg University and I am majoring in Accounting. With my Accounting degree I hope to get into Law School somewhere and become a lawyer and practice Corporate Law. In this class I am interested in raising my knowledge of graphic novels. I have already read Fahrenheit 451 in high school but that was the only graphic novel I can relate too. I really like that book, so I believe I'll like the other novels we read as well. The last book I read was a pretty long time ago. I believe it was Beowulf my senior year of High School. Overall, it was pretty good book and I would consider reading it again. The type of pop culture I am interested in would most likely have to be sports and music. There is nothing else I would rather do than watch or play sports and listen to music. The music I listen to is mostly Eminem, Lil Wayne, Kid Cudi, Joey Galaxy, etc. Movies are a favorite too and most of my favorite movies are newer. Inception is one of my new favorite along with The Town and Taken. When I'm not watching movies or playing sports I either watch television or play some video games. I usually watch ESPN or anything sports related. My video games consist of Call of Duty and of course mostly sports games. I really don't have much of a background with literature because I was never a big reader. When I had to do something for myself it was either to relax or hang with my friends. To me literature is pieces of writing from the old times that are analyzed and taught to newer generations. 
      My parents' names are William and Donna Russell. I also have an older brother named Robert. He has a handsome little boy named Saige that I adore very much. I only have one pet but I couldn't ask for a better one. He's a German Shepherd named Bandit and will be turning two years old in May. I am 20 years old and I'm a bank teller for National Penn Bank. I've been working as a bank teller for almost a year now and I love it very much. The relationships you make with your customers is one of a kind. I currently live in Frackville, Pennsylvania but not many people know where Frackville is so I will give you some information about it.
     Frackville is a borough in Schuylkill County, PA and is near Interstate 81. It's 7 miles north of Pottsville and 4 miles South of Shenandoah. It's also 55 miles from Harrisburg and 45 miles from Wilkes-Barre. Frackville sits in the middle of Northeastern Pennsylvania's historic and proud Coal Region. Coal mining has been a big think in the area. Many of Frackville's residents are employed at local factories, retail outlets, a Federal Prison, and two State Prisons in the area. Many commute daily to the cities of Pottsville, Hazleton, Allentown, Reading or Harrisburg to work. Since Frackville is so close to Interstate 81 it is a popular stop for travelers.
     I attended North Schuylkill Junior-Senior High School in Fountain Springs, PA and it's one of the best high schools in the area. During high school I played three sports; football, basketball and baseball. My favorite sport is baseball because it's my best sport. I've played baseball for 15 years ranging from Local baseball teams to an AAU travel baseball team called the Schuylkill Express. I've tried to play baseball in college but my senior year of high school I needed elbow surgery and it ended my baseball career abruptly.
     My interests are mainly sports because that is what I was always around. My father played baseball and my brother was a two sport standout in football and baseball. I love to listen to music and have a great time with my friends. My roommate is one of my best friends here at Shippensburg and will continue to be for a very long time after. His name is Christian Pascuzzo. I also have a girlfriend at home and her name is Ciara Mateyak. Ciara brings out the best in me and always makes sure I'm doing what I'm suppose to. I couldn't ask for anybody better!
     More of my interests are watching movies, playing video games, and watching Professional sports. My favorite sports teams are the Phillies, Eagles and the Flyers. The team I love the most are the Duke University Blue Devils Basketball Team. I've been watching them ever since I was a little boy and they will always be my favorite team.
     That is basically everything about me that I can think of. If I remember anything else I want to share with you I will post it right away. Have a great day!

Chris Russell


  1. Nice I got a big sports guy in my group! I'm into sports too and constantly watch Sportscenter. That's too bad you couldn't play baseball at Ship man. I wrestle here, but just had surgery on my knee and I'm done for the rest of the year. I like the Phillies, Eagles and Flyers too man, but I'm not digging your Duke Blue Devils team haha! You gotta like Pitt man! Alright cya in class.

  2. YEA! It's great to hear that you're a Phillies and Eagles fan! Its neat that you played baseball for so many years! Softball would have to be my favorite sport as well. I've played for about 12 years, not quite as long as you! Also, good music choices! Well, I'm looking forward to getting to know you more! See you in class!

  3. You have a wide variety of interests Chris! I was a bank teller in college as well...I can't say it was one of my favorite jobs and numbers just don't mix. heh. Welcome to class!

  4. Yeah i love sports.. Anything to do with sports i'm usually interested in. Sorry Justin I can't switch lol i've liked DUKE way too long to do that haha

    That is pretty sweet that you played softball for so long. It's a pretty cool sport since it's basically like baseball lol

    Yeah i like a lot of things. I probably rambled on a little too much but it happens. The bank teller job isn't bad at all to me. The system is so much easier to work now that you really don't have to be good with numbers lol

  5. Our group seems to really enjoy sports! I do as well. That's awesome that you want to be a lawyer-- a lot of hard work and time... good luck with that! I also enjoy all the same music artists and movies you listed above. I saw Inception in movie theaters and the other two at home! My favorite out of the three would probably have to be The Town. I know exactly where Frackville is considering the fact I pass it when I drive here to school. It always has the worst weather on that stretch of I-81! I am from the Scranton area, well Waverly to be exact, which is up I-81 North. That is too bad about having to have elbow surgery and ending your baseball career. Do you still play for fun? I never had surgery until the end of August this year. I had to have surgery on my ankle and was on crutches and a hard cast for a month and then a boot for another month. I missed the whole soccer season-- so I know what it feels like. It was nice reading a little bit about you-- we have a lot of common interests. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better throughout the semester!

  6. I had to read Beowulf for high school too and I saw the movie in 3D only because it was part of our assignment. Honestly I didn't really like either. I'm a fan of Eminem too and I loved the movie Taken! It's also cool that you're a Phillies fan. I'm looking forward to getting to know you more! Cya in class!
