Intro to Lit 2:00 - 3:15

Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Brother is Watching

I agree that Orwell probably meant that BB is the controlling force. After all, it's very impractical to have a dictator, at least one who have absolute power. However, my personal belief is that it is YOU who are BB. That it's everyone in the society who by themselves eventually will make the society become what he predicted. That we "want" to be controlled.

I feel as if we have most definitely lost our privacy in today's world. I feel we have lost our privacy because our government snoops into every little thing we do. In class the other day we discussed a question that involved should our county have cameras in public areas so we can keep our country safe. The only thing that concerns me about this is that we basically already have cameras in most public places and it's starting to become overwhelming. This is an example of how we are losing our privacy. Google maps is another example of how we can lose our privacy. Any person in the world can find another by just typing in an address or name to find where they live, their phone number, etc. I just think that's ridiculous to a point where it's unsafe and terrifying.

Yes, privacy does still exist in some parts of our lives. As long as we are careful and don't do anything STUPID than we shouldn't have to worry about some of those things. Privacy is a virtue and we can't take advantage of that.

We are never really going to be truly safe no matter what freedoms we lose. Their is always ways to get passed those things. The war in Iraq is a great example. There are all those soldiers over there fighting for our freedom that are mostly willing to go over when the Taliban is full of kids under the age of 15 who have full independence with a weapon on their choice to KILL us. To me that is completely ridiculous and utterly terrifying because kids don't have the thought process fully developed yet.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Extra Credit Blog #3

Its finally day seven and I can get back to my normal way of life with technology. It taught me some lessons and in the beginning I enjoyed the peace and quiet. But after awhile it was harder to get through the day without, what we consider, the necessities. I think after this challenge I'll be more appreciative of the things I have and not take them for granted.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Extra Credit Blog #2

It's day six and I have one more day to go. Usually, you find things out over Facebook or someone texts to tell you. Now I don’t have that. Everyone is talking about things that are posted on this person’s page and how this couple broke up and whatnot. I feel out of the loop. Not texting, watching TV, or using the computer is so much more difficult. I went into this challenge expecting to get through it with no problems. I was wrong. I can’t wait to get back to my technology.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Extra Credit Blog #1

Its been five days of not using technology.. Let me say its not as easy as I expected. On the first day, I didn't have too many troubles. It was relaxing not constantly worrying about who texted me and what not. I had much more time to myself and got everything done that needed to. Day two was a little more difficult. I started wanting to go on facebook and check what everyone was up to and text my friends. Not watching television and missing some of my favorite teams play made it even more difficult. On the the third, fourth, and fifth days I just wanted to relax, watch a movie, and text everyone. I started to really miss talking to the people I used to talk to every day, and its only been five days! But I only have two more days to go. It amazes me how people can go without technology in today's society where everything is based upon that.

Thank you for the extra couple days

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Feed

Four of the advertisements that would most likely be featured on my feed would be:
Stub Hub would be one of my top choices. I love checking to see the many events featured in our area. This is a simple and easy way to find out the countless number of shows or sports occurring in your region. Having the opportunity to go see my favorite band or sports team is an advantage to me and this makes it so much easier. It lists the most popular events and also the most popular in your region. With their cheaper prices and their limitless occasions, this is definitely the place to purchase your tickets and will be well worth it. 

Another advertisement I would most likely put on my feed would be Mountain Dew. Growing up and having much of this around has made me have a weakness for this drink. I’ve been drinking Mountain Dew for a while now and have at least one a day. With their catchy commercials and constantly coming up with new product ideas what’s not to love? Here is one of the commercials that I really enjoy. 

The third advertisement would be Espn. Being a boy and involved in sports my whole life has me very passionate about them. Usually you’ll see me watching basketball, baseball, football, hockey, and whatever else you can think of. Espn is one of my most visited websites. I am constantly checking up on scores, stats, and the upcoming events. 
My final advertisement is Nike. Their clothes are accommodating for everyone and their prices are reasonable. They have a wide selection of clothes, shoes, and even accessories. Along with that, they always have good advertisements. With their slogan “just do it” seen everywhere it is a popular brand among society. Their commercials are seen everywhere and enjoyed by all. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

I feel as though we need technology in our lives and without it we would feel like we are abandoning our roots. Mostly everybody in our generation has some sort of cell phone or technological device. I feel as though if we didn't have these items we would be lost because we don't know how to do things the old-fashion way and we would struggle. I'm not saying we couldn't do it, I'm just restating the fact that we are lazy and we would have a problem with this.

To go a day without our cell phones, computers, television or other things we use on a daily basis may seem easy at first until you take the task upon yourself. But to go and spend one year in the woods without your everyday means would then seem impossible. To live a life of solitude is just what Thoreau did.

Living in the middle of nowhere with no distractions can be calming and can teach you alot about yourself you may not have known. It would give you a better look on life and show you what you truely have. To have to go a year with hardly any necessities your use to having can make you appreciate things much more.

Here is a link to a video that I think everyone would enjoy. Just for some laughs :-) Life Without Technology - Hilarious

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Dumbest Generation

Today in class, we were presented with a little "quiz". We were asked five questions about subjects from today that many people know such as sports and characters on tv. Then came the challenging part, five questions from historical occurences. As you can imagine, much of the class got the first five questions correct.. as for the last five not so much. At this day in age, we are reffered to as the dumbeset generation.. This quiz has truely shown me why we tend to say that. I wouldn't go to the extent of calling us the dumbest generation but definitely the laziest. We have everything basically handed to us and it's always right there in front of us. All we need is a little motivation and we are some of the smartest most talented human beings. What do you guys think?

When I read the articles online about how we were called "The Dumbest Generation," a couple quotes stood out to me. First was this quote from the Newsweek article: "When the tasks are at all challenging, there is a big drop in performance with multitasking. What kids are doing is learning to be skillful at a superficial level." I feel like we don't stop performing when we have to multi task but we aren't very comfortable with doing it. I know for a fact It's hard to do more than one thing at a time. I can't listen to music and read or watch TV and read at the same time. Some people just aren't good at it. It's not like we don't want to or we're lazy it's because we aren't all comfortable with doing so. 
Another statement that caught my attention was "The jury is still out on whether these technologies are positive or negative" says Ken Kosik of the University of California, "But they're definitely changing how people's brains process information." our generation is filled with all sorts of electronics to fit our needs. Having all the information you can possibly need is just one click away. Search engines such as google, yahoo, ask, or msn just to name a few is everyones answer for everything. Students dont need to know what the largest lake is, or who our allie was in WWII. All they need to do is type it into the computer and you have an answer in less than a second.
I am going to post a video in this blog about some people doing some pretty dumb things. This is mostly our generation but it's not exactly what we were talking about in class. It's to kinda make things a little interesting and have something to talk about. DUMB