Intro to Lit 2:00 - 3:15

Friday, February 11, 2011

I feel as though we need technology in our lives and without it we would feel like we are abandoning our roots. Mostly everybody in our generation has some sort of cell phone or technological device. I feel as though if we didn't have these items we would be lost because we don't know how to do things the old-fashion way and we would struggle. I'm not saying we couldn't do it, I'm just restating the fact that we are lazy and we would have a problem with this.

To go a day without our cell phones, computers, television or other things we use on a daily basis may seem easy at first until you take the task upon yourself. But to go and spend one year in the woods without your everyday means would then seem impossible. To live a life of solitude is just what Thoreau did.

Living in the middle of nowhere with no distractions can be calming and can teach you alot about yourself you may not have known. It would give you a better look on life and show you what you truely have. To have to go a year with hardly any necessities your use to having can make you appreciate things much more.

Here is a link to a video that I think everyone would enjoy. Just for some laughs :-) Life Without Technology - Hilarious


  1. That is so cool how you found that video. It fits perfectly with what we have been talking about in class and with the extra credit. The video really shows you just how intertwined our lives are with the technological devices we have today. It is pretty scary to think about how we would survive with absolutely no technology because basically everything around us and on us is some form of technology or created with technology.

  2. I agree that we need technology. Many every day tasks would be much more difficult. I think the video you posted showed this nicely. The part of the video that really stuck out to me was when his hand started to disappear. I think the kids were saying that even how we do things with our own bodies are outcomes of technology.
    I agree with you as well when you say that living a life in solitude would be much more difficult today than it was when Thoreau did it. I plan on starting my Thoreau challenge tomorrow, and I am interested to see how hard it really is.

  3. That video was pretty funny and really made a good point. My favorite part was when he was doing math work and his calculator just disappeared. We ARE so dependent on technology. At least we can admit it. I think the hardest challenge is that we have grown up with technology and it is part of our lives. You made a good point saying that during Thoreau's time, there wasn't really any technology like we have today. I think a year in solitude would be much easier in Thoreau's time, but not so much in ours. I agree that time in solitude would really teach a person a lot about themselves and to be appreciative with what we do have.

  4. Our technology is like a necessity now. We couln't live without them. Technology has always been apart of our lives and they will continue to keep coming out with faster and better things! We get excited when an upgraded technology comes out, so excited we all want to go out and buy it. If you had to go out in the woods for a year and live without pretty much anything, it'd be very difficult. Many people would respond with a quick "no". People wouldn't even think about what it would be like. They wouldn't WANT to know what it would be like. I'm doing the challenge now, and its very hard. I don't think i could keep doing it for a year in the woods.

  5. That video was good. It really makes you understand some of the possesions you would lose without technology. I like how you said, "I'm not saying we couldn't do it, I'm just restating the fact that we are lazy and we would have a problem with this." I agree with You because we could adapt without technology if we have to but we are lazy and without having to adapt we definately won't. I mean how many people in our class would take that challenge if there wasn't extra credit points involved? Probably very few.
