Intro to Lit 2:00 - 3:15

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Literature is the story of ourselves, the record of who we are, where we came from, and where we’re going. Without them I feel like we'll be missing a part of ourselves but it wouldn't be such a disaster that we couldn't continue to live. We might end up having more technology and ways to do other things. Books give us a freedom that is so powerful that it's very close to becoming too much. To me reading books is nothing more than a thing to do and something to get your mind off of past evens. 

I feel if books weren't in our lives that I wouldn't miss them at all. I know everything (history) was stored through books and it was the link to the past. Overall, we would end up finding a new one to write down history and it wouldn't be such a big deal. I guess I would miss them a little even though I don't care for them too much. We still do use Encyclopedia's, Dictionaries, and so forth. It might get a little boring but we have some of the smartest people in the world and we could easily find another thing to do.

Metaphorically we burn books today by either spark noting them or making movies out of them. They turn the books into movies but they don't put all the details or full story into it. Spark notes is ruining the books too because therefore it skips reading the book and gives you the "summary" of the book. It's the lazy way to find out about a book without having to read it which to me is very lazy. 

I think there are a couple things that are dangerous about books. First, would be the bible. The bible has changed so many people's lives but we still don't know if that is exactly what really went on. The bible has caused several holy wars and it continues to be a spark to fights. Another would be the freedom book writers have. They can say whatever they want in books and most of the time wouldn't think twice about what they wrote. 


  1. I agree with you that literature is a large part of ourselves. You make some good points on how much books provide a freedom of speech. I also said that I wouldn't miss books too too much at least up to this point in my life. However, we do rely on dictionaries and encyclopedias like you mentioned. Some books so pose a threat to our society-- and you pointed that out by stating that what is written in the bible sparks controversy. Society would definitely be really strange without books!

  2. I agree with you, if books just suddenly disappeared.. I wouldn't exactly start crying. Books are important in our lives though. Like you said, they are our link to history. We rely on books for many things. If there were no more books, it would be bad because books educate and how else would we be educated? Teachers rely on books! We do burn books by spark noting. Its the easier way out, cuz we are just too lazy to read the longer version.

  3. I think we all agree that movies and sparknotes are the lazy way to not read. Books are very important to our society and I feel we would be so dumb and and lack things like new inventions and definetly technology. Books give us knowledge and without knowledge what would we be?

  4. I agree with your points about books being an important part of who we are. I think this is true. I don't necessarily agree when you talk about them being bad because people can say whatever they want in them. More so than books, people can say anything they want in blogs on the internet. Unlike books, noone has to preread and publish blogs. The internet has much more untrue and hurtful information on it than any book ever has or ever will.
