Intro to Lit 2:00 - 3:15

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hunger Games

The Hunger Games to me was a pretty crazy and different book. I don't usually read books like this because it's out of my norm and i am just not too fond of books in general. Overall, I wasn't expecting Katniss to fall in love with Peeta. In the beginning I didn't like how the book started out slow. I started falling asleep while reading it but when we started getting in depth in the book it started to get better. The Hunger Games were very exciting to read because you didn't know when something was going to change or get more interesting.

I don't feel the games should have ended in a tie. I didn't think that was a very good way to do it and it was different from the norm. They were both from the same district and I just didn't think it was fair the way it ended. It isn't something you should just change when for the longest time you were doing one thing. How is that fair?

I related this book to the Call of Duty game, "One in the Chamber" because you get one bullet to survive and if you kill another person you get that bullet back. If you don't you can only life because you only get three lives. It's hard wrenching and really makes you nervous.

One In The Chamber

Again, I really liked this book towards the end but not necessarily in the beginning. It really brought a new type of reading to me and I would love to read more books like this.


  1. I would have never normally read this book either. I have never even tried reading an action book like this on my own so it was nice to be forced to read one and actually finding out that I really like these types of books after all. I agree I wasn't really interested in the book at the beginning but only because it took a while until we found out what the Hunger Games really were. The ending caught me by surprise because I didn't expect Peeta to make it to the end but I am glad he did.

  2. I'm not much of a reader myself either, but this book caught me by surprise! I actually really enjoyed the book. They are actually coming out with a movie based off Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games. I think it should be a really good movie and am excited to see it! I was actually happy when the announcer said that if two people could win if they were from the same district. I was somewhat relieved because I wanted both Katniss and Peeta to survive and continue their romance story. I have never played this video game before, but my brother has it. The YouTube clip you chose explained the premise of the game really well. It's an interesting aspect that if you miss then you're on your own, but if you kill someone you get your bullet back. I can see the clear connection here!

  3. I, surprisingly, did like this book. I found the whole book very interesting and exciting. I have to disagree with how you felt about the ending. I feel like to tell them two tributes from the same District could win, and then taking it back, would have been against any positiveness the Capitol had going for it with the Games. I like how Katniss outsmarted the Capitol. I think it was a real slap in the face.

  4. I really liked this book. The ending is kindof a cliffhanger, but it makes me want to read more. I have never just sat down and read a book like I did this one. The suspense and action really caught my interest. I like the connection you made to "one in the chamber" because it is really like the book in the aspect of taking lives but good thing it is just a game and a book.

  5. I really liked this book also. I agree, it is really out of the norm, but thats maybe what makes it so good! It was pretty weird that game ended in a tie, but im glad it did because it would have been upsetting to read either Katniss or Peeta dying. This book was really exciting to read and im really excited for the movied to come out! It should be a good one!

  6. Great work keep it coming, best blog on earth

